Abdussalam AYAD


Introduction. Scoliosis develops amongst females at precisely the time that girls begin se-
riously training in ballet. Ballet is often recognized complication of dieting, weight loss, physical
training and delay in menarche in young women. In addition to losing weight, dancers begin their
training early in life, usually before adolescence.
Aim. The main aim is based on researchment of changes in skeletal proportions of ballet
dancers, as the ballerinas are taught to hold their spines in opposite state to the spine natural curves.
Methods. Analysis of literatures, social methods, mathematics – static data.
Conclusion. According to the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine the
prevalence of scoliosis was 24 % and that it rose with increases in age at menarche, when study-
ing the incidence of scoliosis and ballet dancers. When the incidence of idiopathic scoliosis in the
general population is only approximately 5 %. Of course that idiopathic scoliosis effects females 8
times more frequently than males and give that the majority of ballet dancers are female it would
make sense that we would find a higher incidence of scoliosis and ballet dancers. So, menarche and
prolonged intervals of amenorrhea that reflect prolonged hypoestrogenism may predispose ballet
dancers to scoliosis.

Повний текст:



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Scoliosis Surgery Children’s Hospital [Electronic resourse]. – Access mode:


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