The current state of the diet of the population of Ukraine is characterized by a shortage of many indispensable component of nutrition. One way to solve this problem is to create food products based on raw materials of animal and plant origin. The development of multicomponent fish products with the set consumer properties and the balanced nutrient structure is actual.
The aim of the work is to substantiate the nutritional and biological value of non-traditional raw materials of plant origin – quinoa cereals and clover flakes as ingredients in the recipe of fish culinary products.
Quinoa cereal is considered one of the most valuable products in the world. It contains more protein than buckwheat, pearl barley or oatmeal. Some varieties contain up to 19–20 % protein. Quinoa proteins have a high biological value. They are easily digested and are not inferior to proteins of animal origin [1]. 100 g of cereals contain 57.2 g of carbohydrates, their glycemic index varies between 35 and 53, they are more slowly digested, absorbed and metabolized, so they cause less and slower rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. Another advantage of the chemical composition of cereals are dietary fiber – their content is 11–16 % [2].
The aim of the work is to substantiate the nutritional and biological value of non-traditional raw materials of plant origin – quinoa cereals and clover flakes as ingredients in the recipe of fish culinary products.
Quinoa cereal is considered one of the most valuable products in the world. It contains more protein than buckwheat, pearl barley or oatmeal. Some varieties contain up to 19–20 % protein. Quinoa proteins have a high biological value. They are easily digested and are not inferior to proteins of animal origin [1]. 100 g of cereals contain 57.2 g of carbohydrates, their glycemic index varies between 35 and 53, they are more slowly digested, absorbed and metabolized, so they cause less and slower rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. Another advantage of the chemical composition of cereals are dietary fiber – their content is 11–16 % [2].
Повний текст:
Quinoa: what kind of cereal, how does it cook, how is it useful? [Electronic resource]. – Access mode to the resource:
Quinoa [Electronic resource]. – Access mode to the resource: 0 %9A%D 1 %96 %D 0 %BD%D 0 %BE%D 0 %B 0
Clover – what is it? [Electronic resource]. – Access mode to the resource:
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