Among top-level athletes, there is a slight shift in the indicated proportions, which is associated with targeted selection, including the use of genetic research modern technologies; a certain role is played by a higher organizational level of medical care for high-class athletes. The main thing is the lifestyle, or rather, its components such as the orientation and intensity of the training process, the features of the recovery period, as well as the nature and diet [2].
Improving and maintaining sports performance is possible only with a reasonable combination of an optimally organized training process and nutrition. Errors in any of the components are guaranteed problems. Irrational training is the risk of developing general and partial overvoltage syndromes, including the musculoskeletal system; inadequate nutrition is a direct road to overwork (as it is called in sports, "overtraining") [3].
Повний текст:
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Levchuk A. Osobly’vosti rezhy’mu xarchuvannya u zv'yazku iz specy’fikoyu rizny’x vy’div sportu / Alla Levchuk, Mariya Paska // Innovaciyi, gosty’nnist’, tury’zm: nauka, osvita, prakty’ka: zb. tez dop. – L’viv: LDUFK imeni Ivana
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